~Quake (More Cheats) Cheat Codes + Modem Setup Cheat Codes =========== Here's some useful console cheats. Type them in on the console (press ` to bring it up). Map e?m? - Warps you to a level e.g. e1m1 warps you to the slipgate complex Kill - You die Restart - Restart current level Give # - Gives you weapon # GIVE 1 = Axe GIVE 2 = Shotgun GIVE 3 = double-barreled Shotgun GIVE 4 = Nailgun GIVE 5 = Super Nailgun GIVE 6 = Grenade Launcher GIVE 7 = Rocket Launcher GIVE 8 = Thunderbolt GIVE SHELL # = Shells (Where # is 0-255) GIVE NAIL # = Nails GIVE ROCKET # = Rockets GIVE CELL # = Cells Fly - Err... fly? VERSION - Time/Date DEMOS - Plays next demo Noclip - Come on, get with it.... Notarget - Turns the enemies off Color ?? - The color of your suit (1-13) SAY "" - Say something, used in multiplayer Status - Describes your level, name, # kills, secrets found, etc. Impulse 255 - Quad Damage Impulse 9 - All weapons & keys If you really want to cheat, use this: bind 9 "IMPULSE 9 " Now, whenever you press 9 you'll get all weapons, just like in QTEST1 God - God mode (NB You have to re-enter the god mode everytime you finish one level and start a new level). Quake Modem Setup ================= Set port in multiplayer (e.g. COM2, 19200, modem connection, init string). NB: If while typing your init string, the game throws you into DOS keep trying, it saves what you've put there already. Hit ESC (or ~) go to options Choose console In console type COM2, Modem The next two steps are not necessarily needed, some connections work fine with default (which is just ATZ) so try going straight to ENABLE. {Type COM2, 19200 baud Type COM2, Startup (init string) [e.g. AT&F&M0&I0&K0&B0&N0]} Type COM2 Enable Hit ESC Go to Multiplayer & set settings for the game (both players' settings must be the same!). If you are answering the call, just start the game and DON'T MOVE until the other player calls. If you are the dialer, type in the number of the person you are calling on the bottom of the options menu where it says join game at. Then hit ENTER. Dis file came from da DIGITAL EDGE for da userz of Kore!